First Eucharist

In the Diocese of Salt Lake City first communion is usually celebrated in the second grade. It is a two-year preparation process. Registrations are taken in August. (Due to the Covid-19 virus no new registrations are being taken in 2020.)

English: For classes in English contact Jacob Quintana at  . Classes in English are held on Sundays from 9:45 to 10:45 AM .

Spanish: For classes in Spanish contact Deacon Guillermo Mendez at . Classes in Spanish are Sundays 1:00 to 2:30 PM.


For children who are in second grade to fifth grade who have not received first communion we offer a two-year preparation program. Registration is the same as for first graders.

For children who are in sixth grade and seventh grade they would receive first communion at the time of their confirmation at the end of eighth grade.

For children who are in eighth grade or high school they would receive first communion at the time of their confirmation at the end of the two-year preparation.

For those eighteen years and older – they are asked to sign up for the respective confirmation preparation programs as listed above.