Parish Life and Ministries

Altar Servers

Altar Servers assist at the Mass they usually attend. The younger Altar Servers, second graders to seventh graders, usually are assigned to assist with the candles. The older Altar Servers, eighth graders and above, usually assist with the cross and incense. For training and scheduling contact for the English Masses Brenda Gonzales at .  


The lector reads at the Mass they normally attend. The lector prepares the scriptures at home. They arrive 15 minutes before Mass to insure all the ministers are in place before Mass begins. Contact Brenda Gonzales at  to volunteer.


Ushers attend their desired Mass and greet those coming to Mass, offer them a bulletin and music program, then assist in finding a pew. They assist with the collection, which is supervised by Willie Green, the head sexton. They look out for the good order of the Mass and assist in difficult situations. Ushers arrive 20 minutes before Mass. They stay after Mass to pick up bulletins left in the pews. 

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion

At times the size of the congregation or the incapacity of the Bishop, priest, or deacon is in need of the assistance with administrating the Holy Communion during the Mass. It is a ministry of witnessing to the faith in the real presence of Christ in the action of sharing in the Eucharistic meal of Our Blessed Lord’s sacrifice. For more information, contact Brenda Gonzales at  .

Eucharist to the Homebound and Elderly Care Centers

Ministers take the Holy Communion to one or several people on Sunday mornings. A Level I and Level II training will be required and is provided by the diocese. For more information and registration contact Lorena Needham at Lorena 

Cathedral Service Ministry

The Cathedral Service Ministry is the newest ministry at the Cathedral of the Madeleine. It has two facets. The first will be to select a new group service project each month. You may sign up to participate. Examples are joining a group for a shift sorting clothes at Catholic Community Services, or making sandwiches at the Good Samaritan Program.  The second facet is to connect volunteers with non-profit organizations that fit their individual interests.  We will have monthly events that bring together the wider Cathedral community, as well as offer a way for parishioners to connect with service opportunities in the Salt Lake area.  Please fill out this form to get more information, or email .

Catholic Council of Catholic Women

The Cathedral Women’s Society (CWS) is the Cathedral parish’s women’s group. The CWS
gathers monthly from October through June, typically on the second Saturday of the month from
10 am to Noon. As an affiliate of the National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW), the CWS
supports, empowers, and educates all Catholic women in the Cathedral Parish in spirituality,
leadership, and service. CWS activities include scripture studies, reflections, including Blessed
is She modules, and service projects addressing local, national, and international issues of special
concern to Catholic women. Email: .

Coffee Hour and Donuts

Coffee hour follows 11:00 AM Sunday Mass. The once a month commitment involves arriving early to brew the coffee and set out on trays the donuts. After Mass it is refreshing the coffee urns and refilling the donut trays; a bit of clean up to finish. Contact Valerie Quintana at to volunteer.

Good Samaritan Program

The Cathedral offers a sandwich sack lunch five hours a day every day of the year. Each month between 9,000 to 10,000 lunches are provided to the needy. The program operates out of the Catholic Community Services kitchen at 200 South between 400 and 500 West. Volunteers can be door hosts and/or sandwich makers. To volunteer contact Darren Williams at .        

Knights of Columbus

Council 602 is the Catholic men's fraternal organization serving the Cathedral of the Madeleine parish. Council 602 is the oldest council west of the Rocky Mountains. We hold various events to raise money for charities and the church. To find out more about Council 602’s activities, contact the Grand Knight: SK Giancarlo Gazani  at

For Catholic men interested in joining Council 602, see this link.

For those who are already Knights, our meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:30pm in the lower level of the Cathedral.

Madeleine Arts and Humanities Festival

The annual Festival takes place the five Sunday evenings following Easter Sunday. The artists and performers are chosen from talent related to Utah and the West. The Festival committee works on finding the performers and assisting with the performances in the spring. 

Pastoral Council (English Community)

The pastoral council is made up of volunteers, it is a three year commitment. Members who are present at council meetings are the pastor, parochial vicar, deacon, and the Echo apprentice. The council offers vision and direction for the Cathedral parish. Council meetings are held monthly on the second Tuesday, except July.  To volunteer contact Fr. Diaz at .

Pastoral Council (Spanish Community)

El consejo está formado por voluntarios de los distintos componentes de la comunidad hispana: Ministros de la Eucaristía y lectores, Catequistas, Ujieres, y el Coro Español. El consejo se reúne el segundo jueves de cada mes. El consejo debe ofrecer una visión y dirección para la parroquia de la catedral. Los miembros que están presentes en las reuniones del consejo son el párroco y el diácono. Para ser voluntario contacte al Padre Díaz en .

Respect for Life Ministry

The Cathedral Respect for Life Ministry serves the mission of Saint John Paul II to replace the Culture of death with the Culture of Life and Love. In accordance with the USCCB and our own Bishop Solis, our ministry focuses on pastoral care for women, prayer and worship, education, and public policy. We affirm the value of every human life, from the moment of conception to the end of life.  We support mothers in need through the Cathedral Walking with Moms in Need and also in partnership with the Pregnancy Resource Center. We reach out to those in need of healing from abortion, and promote dignity of life for our elderly and disabled.  We pray a bilingual Rosary for Life in the Cathedral on the first Thursday of the even-numbered months (2/24, 4/24, 6/24, etc) at 6 pm, immediately after the 5:15 Mass. For more information, contact Catherine Stokes: 

Saint Vincent de Paul Soup Kitchen

We serve two meals per day, Monday through Friday. We also prepare meals that go to other shelters. We need a minimum of eight volunteers each time. We know our volunteers cannot come each month. We welcome them any time they can come! For more information contact Jenifer Gibbons at 

Tour Guide

When we are able tours are offered on Sundays after the 11:00 AM Mass. The usual tour is one hour. Each tour guide prepares his / her tour of the Cathedral from the general material guides. Contact Colleen Gudreau at  for information on becoming a tour guide.

Youth Group

The Connect Youth Group meets weekly on Sundays from 4:00 to 6:00 PM. This is a time for the teenagers to pray, socialize, and grow in their faith. For those who are not yet confirmed it is a time of preparation for the sacrament. It is open to those teenagers in eighth grade through seniors in high school. The Youth Group meets at the Madeleine Choir School in Erbin Hall at 205 1st Avenue. Simon Falk leads the group and may be contacted at .

Young Adult Ministries

Zion Catholic is committed to offering Catholics in Utah the opportunity to grow in their faith, serve their community, and build the Kingdom of God in our beautiful state. Our patroness, Mary Magdalene, shared with the Apostles, “I have seen the Lord.” The focus of our ministries is to share with our neighbors that we, too, have seen the Lord and wish to share Him with them.
Learn more and connect at with Valerie: